World's Strangest Places.

There are many great places to visit here on planet Earth. We long to visit the world's tallest building or even the world's biggest stadium but have we ever thought about visiting the strange placest on Earth? Some of these places are so strange that you wouldn't believe they are actually located here on Earth!

Great Blue Hole of Belize

The Great Blue Hole is located in the Light House Reef approximately halfway between Long Caye and Sandbore Caye. It is about 60 miles east from the mainland of Belize. The diameter of The Great Blue Hole is approximately 1000 feet and it is 480 feet deep! The Blue Holes are deep circular cavities that are entrances to some cave networks. Divers have reported a number of aquatic creatures that are still new to science. Videos that were recorded showed chambers filled with stalactites and stalagmites which will only form in dry caves. There is proof that nearly 65000 years ago, when the world is facing its last major ice age, the sea level of the Bahamas was up to 150 meters lower than the current level. As time passes by, the limestone of the islands was eroded by sea water and large cave networks were created. And when the sea levels increased again about 10000 years ago, some of the cave networks collapsed inwards and the Great Blue Hole was formed! The Great Blue Hole is a great spot for diving as there are various species of aquatic creatures and it is also an amazing geographical phenomena.

Suqatra Island, Yemen

Dragon's Beard Tree

Desert Rose (Elephant's Leg Tree)

The beautiful little island, Soqatra is located off the coast of Yemen in the Middle East. As it is isolated from the rest of the world, its plants have evolved into many bizarre and weird shapes and forms that are unknown in other parts of the world. One of the most famous plants on this island is the Dragon's Blood Tree whereby the sap of the tree is used to make crystals that can be used as a dye or as an alleged aphrodisiac. Besides that, the Desert Rose or also known as Elephant's Leg Tree is also one of the famous plants on this island. Suqatra Island is becoming more known to the world and has attracted many tourists.

Hell's Door, Turkmenistan

In 1971, a team of Soviet prospectors allegedly drilled into a large chamber filled with natural gas located in the village of Darvaza, Kara-Kum desert of Turkmenistan. The roof of the cavern collapsed leaving a crater-like hole about 25 meters deep with a diameter of approximately 60-70 meters. The natural gases rised into the crater from deeper sources and the gases have burned continuously and the locals named it "The Gate to Hell". There are some sources that claim that it is a natural phenomenon. It is most impressive at night and the glow from its flames can be seen miles away. The heat is so intense that it is only possible to stay near the edge for a few minutes!

Bear Lake Aurora, Alaska

Bear Lake is located in Fairbanks North Star in the American state of Alaska. When you are here in this lake, you can witness the incredible celestial display known as Northern Light or the Aurora Borealis which means Dawn Winds. Legend says that the lights were caused by Aurora, the Roman Goddess of the Dawn who flew across the night sky to foretell the rising of the Sun. Most legends refer to the dance of lights while the Vikings believed that they were Valkyrie taking the souls of dead warriors to Valhalla. On the other hand, scientists believed that they are caused by solar winds as they collide with the Earth's magnetic field.

Pamukkale, Turkey

The strange yet beautiful terraced pools of Pamukkale is located 20 kilometers from the town of Denizili. It has existed for over two millennia but yet it still remain a little known to the world. Thousands of years ago, earthquakes which are common in Turkey created fractures that caused hot springs to bring water rich in calcium carbonate to the surface. As the water evaporates, the chalky material condenses and forms layer-upon-layer of Travertine and therefore walls were built up over time. Pamukkale means Castle of Cotton while the Greco-Romans who built a town above it called Heirapolis means Holy City or Sacred City. The Greco-Romans recognized this place as a rare and important place providing healing powers to the milky white waters.

So what are you waiting for? Go explore these places and have the time of your life! :)


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